Banner with the logo Department of Social Services.

Document next to gavel.

New rules for the NDIS
Part 1

Department of Social Services

Thumbs up next to information icon.

Easy English

Blue Words

Some words in this book are blue.

We write what the blue words mean.

Person pointing up next to check list.

Help with this book

You can get someone to help you

Person reading document to another person.

Contact information is at the end of this book.

Information Icon.

About this book

This book is from the Department of Social Services.

Department of Social Services Logo.

We are part of the Australian public service.

This book is about the National Disability Insurance Scheme or NDIS.

NDIS Logo.

The NDIS gives services and support to people with permanent disability.

Permanent disability means a disability that will not go away.

Group of people standing side by side.

The NDIS also gives services and support to people who need early intervention

Child and parent at a desk talking to person holding a card showing an apple.

Early intervention means support for some people before their disability gets too bad.

Two people sitting, one is talking, one is taking notes.

This book is about a new law we want to make for the NDIS.

Document next to gavel.

A law says

Green Tick.


Person giving "No" gesture.

When will we make the new law?

We have asked the Australian parliament to make the new law.

Australian Parliament House.

The parliament is a group of people that makes laws for Australians.

People sitting around a conference table next to map of Australia.

We have asked the parliament to make the new law this year.

NDIS logo, next to scroll of paper and gavel.

What will the new law do?

The new law will let us make new rules about the NDIS.

Person pointing out a document to another person.

We want to make two rules about NDIS supports.

Two documents with NDIS logo.

NDIS supports are services you get from the NDIS.

For example, a support worker.

One person helping another person put on a shirt.

We will ask people with disability to help us make the new rules.

Person asking question to other people.

What do we want the new rules to do?

We want the new rules to

Three illustrations: Top - A circle enclosing a wheelchair, walking frame, and communication board. Lower Left - A person holding an NDIS document. Lower Right - A thumbs up.

Group of people standing side by side, next to a thumbs up.

We do not want the new rules to

Person with a walking stick, with another person helping, all crossed out with a red line.


NDIS Logo.

The first rule will be temporary.

Clock with one quadrant highlighted orange.

Temporary means it does not last forever.

What will the first rule say?

The first rule will say what you

Hands taking money from a wallet.


Hands taking money from a wallet, crossed out with a red line.

We have made 2 lists for the first rule.

Two documents, each with a list.

We think the things in the lists are

NDIS staff member pointing up next to document with list.


Person talking on the phone.

We want to know what you think about the lists.

We want to know if the lists would let you

Person sitting in a room with furniture.

Person pointing at one of three squares.

Person in a wheelchair, with an arrow pointing to a group of other people.

Your answers will help us decide what to put in the first rule.

Person pointing to a box with a green tick, which is next to a box with a red cross.

You can find the lists on our website.


Computer with the text "www." shown on screen.

You can get somone to help you understand the lists.

When will we make the first rule?

We will wait to see what people with disability say about the first rule before we make it.

Person talking on the phone.

We want to make sure the first rule works well for people with disability.

Person with a thought bubble containing a gavel, next to a thumbs up.

Our new law cannot work without the first rule.

Scroll of paper and a gavel, all crossed out with a red line.

We need to make the first rule soon.

Calendar grid with one of the days circled in red. Next to it is a large box with a tick mark.

We will not make the first rule if the Australian Parliament does not make the new law.

Document with a list, crossed out with a red line.

When will we make the second rule?

We will take more time to make the second rule.

We want to see how well the first rule works before we make the second rule.

Person holding a clipboard, next to a green tick.

For example, we want to make sure the first rule is good for people with disability.

Person asking question to other people, next to a green tick.

We need all the state and territory governments to agree with what we put in the second rule.

Map of Australian states and territories, next to a green tick.

The second rule will last a long time.

Four calendar sheets, each labelled "2024".

We will not make the second rule if the Australian Parliament does not make the new law

Document with a list, crossed out with a red line.

If you need help or support

Call 000 if you or someone you know needs help now.

Illustration with text "000 EMERGENCY" above images for the ambulance, police, and fire service.

Call Lifeline Australia for crisis support and suicide prevention.

Call 13 11 14

Two people on the telephone, one with a thought bubble containing a danger sign.

Call Beyond Blue for mental health support.

Call 1300 224 636

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders can call 13YARN for mental health support.

Call 13 92 76

Three people below the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags.

More information

Information icon.

For more information contact the Department of Social Services.


Written letter next to arrow pointing to a computer.

Call 1300 653 227

A telephone.

Read the lists of what we think NDIS money

NDIS logo next to two hands taking money from a wallet.



Computer with the text "www." shown on screen.

You can tell us what you think about our lists.


Computer with the text "www." shown on screen.

If you need help with English

Use the free Translating and Interpreting Service or TIS to make a phone call.

Icon of three people talking to each other.

You can call the TIS in your language.

Call 131 450

Two people on the telephone.

Give the TIS officer the phone number you want to call.

If you need help to speak or listen

Use the National Relay Service to make a phone call.

Logo for the National Relay Service.

You must sign up to the service first.


Computer with the text "www." shown on screen.

Call 1800 555 660

A telephone.

This Easy English document was created by Scope (Aust) Ltd. in July 2024 using Picture Communication Symbols (PCS). PCS is a trademark of Tobii Dynavox, LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission. This document must not be sold to third parties. The images must not be reused without permission. For more information about the images, contact Scope on 1300 472 673 or visit

Logo for scope.