Our domains
Our Plan has 4 areas that will help us stop violence against women and children. We call them our domains. |
Our first domain is called prevention. Prevention is when you stop something before it happens. To end violence against women and children, we must stop it before it starts. |
Our second domain is called early intervention. Early intervention is when we work out who:
Then we make sure they get early support. | |
Early intervention is also about helping men and boys:
Our third domain is called response. Our response is what we do after violence happens. This includes how we support women and children who experience violence. | |
It’s also about how we make sure people who use violence are responsible for their behaviour. |
Our fourth domain is called recovery and healing. Recovery and healing is how things can get better after something bad has happened. | |
Women and children must be able to get support for a long time after they experience violence. It shouldn’t just be for a short time. |
How will our domains work?
Our 4 domains must work together to make each other stronger. | |
Our domains will make our Plan work well over the next 10 years. | |
It’s important that we work towards the goals:
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You can read about our domains and goals in Part 3 of our Plan. You can find it on our website. |
Our domains
Our Plan has 4 areas that will help us stop violence against women and children. We call them our domains. |
Our first domain is called prevention. Prevention is when you stop something before it happens. To end violence against women and children, we must stop it before it starts. |
Our second domain is called early intervention. Early intervention is when we work out who:
Then we make sure they get early support. | |
Early intervention is also about helping men and boys:
Our third domain is called response. Our response is what we do after violence happens. This includes how we support women and children who experience violence. | |
It’s also about how we make sure people who use violence are responsible for their behaviour. |
Our fourth domain is called recovery and healing. Recovery and healing is how things can get better after something bad has happened. | |
Women and children must be able to get support for a long time after they experience violence. It shouldn’t just be for a short time. |
How will our domains work?
Our 4 domains must work together to make each other stronger. | |
Our domains will make our Plan work well over the next 10 years. | |
It’s important that we work towards the goals:
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You can read about our domains and goals in Part 3 of our Plan. You can find it on our website. |