Our domains

A person holding an importance symbol. There is the number 4 next to them.

Our Plan has 4 areas that will help us stop violence against women and children.

We call them our domains.

How will our domains work?

A thumbs up icon next to icons of the four domains. The prevention icon, the early intervention icon, the response icon, and the recovery and healing icon.

Our 4 domains must work together to make each other stronger.

A person giving a thumbs up, with a calendar saying 10 years.

Our domains will make our Plan work well over the next 10 years.

Two people looking over a document, with the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 above them.

It’s important that we work towards the goals:

  • in each of our domains
  • at the same time.

A website icon with the number 3 on the screen.

You can read about our domains and goals in Part 3 of our Plan.

You can find it on our website.
