What the Council talked about

3 people behind a podium. On the podium it says 'The Council'.

The National Disability Data Asset Council makes sure people are using the Data Asset in the right way.

In this document we call this group the Council.

2 calendars. One of them says 19 February 2024 and the other says 12 April 2024.

The Council held 2 meetings on:

  • 19 February 2024


  • 12 April 2024.

A handshake and a speech bubble with a tick inside it.

During these meetings, the Council agreed on how they will do their work.

A document with the word 'Charter' on it, with a tick icon above it.

They also approved the Charter.

The Charter is a document about how the government will work with the disability community to:

A group of people looking at an iPad together.

  • manage the Data Asset

Two people pointing at themselves with a safety icon above them.

  • protect information about people with disability.

A group of people behind a podium with a disability icon on it.

The Council spoke about the Disability Indicators Panel.

A group of people sharing ideas around a table, with a lightbulb icon above them.

A panel is a group of people that talk about important ideas.

A group of people with a disability icon  and a lightbulb icon above them.

The Council agreed that the Disability Indicators Panel will:

  • include people with disability
  • provide advice about how people should use the information about people with disability.

The Council also agreed on:

A document icon showing a list of items and a tick above them.

  • what work the Disability Indicators Panel should do

An icon of a person with a question mark over them.

  • who will be on the Disability Indicators Panel.

A calendar saying 30 April 2024.

The Disability Indicators Panel had their first meeting on 30 April 2024.

The Council agreed that the Data Asset will use the words that the United Nations uses to talk about:

A group of people pointing at themselves. One of them is in a wheelchair.

  • people with disability

A person standing next to a person in a wheelchair. Both of them are smiling.

  • organisations that support people with disability.

A group of people sharing ideas around a table, with an icon of the world above them.

The United Nations is an organisation where countries come together to:

  • discuss world issues
  • fix world issues.