Help and support services
You can talk to someone if something in our Plan makes you upset or worried. You can also get support if you experience violence. | |
There are people and services who can support you. | |
You can talk to someone you trust, such as a:
| |
There are also organisations who can help. We have included some free services below. | |
If you or someone you know is in danger, call Triple Zero. 000 |
1800RESPECT can support you if you are experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence. | |
You can call them any time. 1800 737 732 | |
You can visit their website. | |
1800RESPECT also have an app called Sunny. It’s for women and girls with disability. | |
Sunny can help you:
| |
You can download the Sunny app from the: |
If anything in this guide has upset you, Lifeline can support you. | |
You can call them any time. 13 11 14 | |
You can also visit their website. |
13YARN is a support service run by and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. | |
You can call them any time. 13 92 76 | |
You can also visit their website. |
National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline
You can use this hotline to report:
| |
You can call them. 1800 880 052 | |
They are open:
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission)
The NDIS Commission makes sure participants:
Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS. | |
You can contact the NDIS Commission to report someone:
| |
You can call them. 1800 035 544 They are open 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. If you live in the Northern Territory, they are open 9 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. | |
You can also report something on their website. |
MensLine Australia
MensLine Australia supports men with their behaviour and wellbeing. | |
You can call them any time. 1300 78 99 78 | |
You can visit their website. |
National Relay Service
If you need support to speak or listen, you can use the National Relay Service. | |
You can call them any time. 1300 555 727 | |
Then you can tell them what phone number you want them to call. | |
You can also visit their website. |
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)
If you speak a language other than English, TIS can help you:
| |
You can call TIS any time. 131 450 | |
You can visit their website. |
This Easy Read document was created by the Information Access Group using stock photography and custom images. The images may not be reused without permission. For any enquiries about the images, please visit Quote job number 4613-A. |
Help and support services
You can talk to someone if something in our Plan makes you upset or worried. You can also get support if you experience violence. | |
There are people and services who can support you. | |
You can talk to someone you trust, such as a:
| |
There are also organisations who can help. We have included some free services below. | |
If you or someone you know is in danger, call Triple Zero. 000 |
1800RESPECT can support you if you are experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence. | |
You can call them any time. 1800 737 732 | |
You can visit their website. | |
1800RESPECT also have an app called Sunny. It’s for women and girls with disability. | |
Sunny can help you:
| |
You can download the Sunny app from the: |
If anything in this guide has upset you, Lifeline can support you. | |
You can call them any time. 13 11 14 | |
You can also visit their website. |
13YARN is a support service run by and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. | |
You can call them any time. 13 92 76 | |
You can also visit their website. |
National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline
You can use this hotline to report:
| |
You can call them. 1800 880 052 | |
They are open:
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission)
The NDIS Commission makes sure participants:
Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS. | |
You can contact the NDIS Commission to report someone:
| |
You can call them. 1800 035 544 They are open 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. If you live in the Northern Territory, they are open 9 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. | |
You can also report something on their website. |
MensLine Australia
MensLine Australia supports men with their behaviour and wellbeing. | |
You can call them any time. 1300 78 99 78 | |
You can visit their website. |
National Relay Service
If you need support to speak or listen, you can use the National Relay Service. | |
You can call them any time. 1300 555 727 | |
Then you can tell them what phone number you want them to call. | |
You can also visit their website. |
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)
If you speak a language other than English, TIS can help you:
| |
You can call TIS any time. 131 450 | |
You can visit their website. |
This Easy Read document was created by the Information Access Group using stock photography and custom images. The images may not be reused without permission. For any enquiries about the images, please visit Quote job number 4613-A. |