What is our Plan about?

A person holding a clipboard with the Plan icon on it.

This is Part 2 of our National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022–2032.

We call it our Plan.

A group of women with their arms crossed.

Many women and children experience violence at some point in their lives.

A group of people having a meeting.

It will take a lot of work to end violence against women and children.

A violence icon, showing a closed fist. There is a person with their hand out to say stop.

We need everyone in Australia to help us stop violence:

  • before it starts
  • from getting worse or happening again.

A person supporting someone else, who looks upset.

We also need everyone in Australia to help us support women and children:

  • who experience violence
  • to recover and heal after violence.

A violence icon, and a person with their arms crossed.

Most of the violence we want to end is the violence men use against women and children.

We use the words ‘violence against women’ to talk about this problem.

A person holding their head. They have a thought bubble with an upset person inside it.

But other people also experience this violence.

And they experience this violence in different ways.

We explain this in more detail in the LGBTIQA+ people section.

A website icon, with the number 3.

You can also find out more about how we will deliver our Plan in Part 3.

You can find it on our website.
