About the disability data asset

The N D D A logo. A magnifying glass looking at different groups of people.

The data asset gets information from different parts of the government.

A person pulling cash out of their wallet.

A laptop with the words, 'Work', 'Health', and 'School' on the screen.

An Epilepsy brochure and a 'Look after your heart' brochure.

Some of the information will be about:

  • the work or jobs people do
  • how much money they are paid to work
  • their health
  • education or the things people have learned
  • services people use.

A person with their thumbs down holding a red cross. A person with their thumbs up holding a green tick.

It will support people with disability, their families, carers, and the community to know what needs to be done to help make things better.

A person holding a document that says, 'D S S A B S A I H W'.

The data asset is being made by the:

  • Department of Social Services (DSS)
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
  • Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).

A map of Australia

States and territories and the disability community are part of making and choosing how the data asset will be used.

Laptop with the N D D A logo.

A person holding up a magnifying glass. A laptop with the word, 'DATA' on the screen.

The data asset is supported by the Australian National Data Integration Infrastructure or the ‘computer system’.

This computer system lets us look at the data and link information that is the same or similar.