The laws and standards that apply
Personal information includes things, like your name and address. |
People who work for the government keep this information to help them to do their job. People who work for the government share data to make the data asset. |
They need to follow rules and laws to keep data safe, like:
The DATA Scheme makes sure data is shared in a safe way. |
The DATA Scheme says that any organisation that wants to collect and use Australian Government data must get a certificate. It says they have the right skills and rules to collect and store the data. |
The ABS and AIHW have this certificate. The certificate says they are an ‘Accredited Data Service Provider’. |
A small number of Accredited Data Service Providers from government will do work to make the data asset in the computer system, like linking data together. |
Data breaches
The data asset protects people’s personal information. A data breach is when data or private information is shared when it should not be or is stolen from a secure computer system. |
It is unlikely that a data breach would happen or that a person would be in danger from their information being shared in the wrong way. If this did happen, the person must be told by the ABS or the government group that provided the data. |
The ABS or the government group that provided the data must also tell: |
If people do not follow the law when they use the data asset and computer system they might: |