What is the National Disability Data Asset?

A disability icon and a data icon with an arrow pointing to a different data icon.

The National Disability Data Asset is a new way to link data about people with disability.

A tick icon above an information icon and a folder with documents in it.

When we talk about data, we mean:

  • facts
  • information
  • records.

A document with a speech bubble that says 'Asset'.

In this summary we call it the data asset.

A government building with an arrow pointing at a data icon.

The data asset will get the data from different parts of the government.

A group of people with disability pointing at themselves.

It will help us better understand the experiences of people with disability.

An information icon and 2 people talking with a speech bubble. There is a services icon inside the speech bubble.

It will also give us more information about programs and services.

Who will the data asset support?

A large group of people.

The data asset will be good for:

  • people with disability
  • their families and carers.

It will improve the way people with disability:

2 people sitting on a couch reading a document.

  • receive services

A person with disability watering a community garden.

  • take part in the community.

A government building with 2 thought bubbles coming out of it. Both thought bubbles have a money icon inside of them. One of the thought bubbles is highlighted.

The data asset will also help governments choose what services to spend money on.

A person pointing at a document that a person with disability is holding.

And it will help them choose services that provide the best support for people with disability.

A group of researchers talking around a table.

The data asset will also help researchers.

Researchers can use the data asset to understand the experiences of people with disability.

A magnifying glass over a folder of documents that has a tick on it.

And they can share evidence from the data asset about what works best.

Evidence is proof something is true.