How will we keep information safe?

A document with an information icon and a safety icon beside it.

It’s very important to us to:

  • keep people’s information safe
  • protect their privacy.

A hand choosing between an information icon with a locked padlock and an information icon with an unlocked padlock. The hand is pointing to the locked padlock.

When you have privacy, you can choose:

  • what you want to keep safe and private
  • what other people can know about you.

 A folder with an information icon and documents in it. Beside it is a safety icon.

We will make sure the data asset protects people’s personal information.

Personal information includes things like your name and address.

A document with data on it and an ID card with a cross beside it.

To protect personal information, we will take it out of the data.

An outline of a person with a question mark inside them.

This means no one can find out:

  • who people are
  • how to contact them.

A person using a computer and a safety icon.

We will also have rules about:

  • who can find and use the data
  • how they can use the data.

This will help us protect the data.

A law document, a gavel and a tick.

We will check that the data asset follows all the laws about keeping information safe and private.

A document with data on it and a magnifying glass showing a problem icon.

We will check if there are any risks.

A person giving a thumbs up. Beside them is a document with data on it and a safety icon.

And we will make sure the community is happy with the way we protect the data.