Our Action Plans

A person writing in a clipboard. Above is an icon of 2 Action Plans.

We will write 2 Actions Plans to tell the community what we will do.

An Action Plan icon with a change symbol. Above is a calendar saying 5 years.

We will write an Action Plan every 5 years.

An Action Plan icon with an arrow pointing to a Goals icon.

Our Action Plans will include the goals we want to reach.

A goals icon with the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 around it.

We will set goals for each of the 4 domains in our Plan.

These are areas that will help us end violence against women and children.

A stack of calendars next to a change symbol.

We know that it will take a long time for things to change.

A change symbol next to a tick.

So we have some goals for things we can change now.

For example, we want more women to:

  • tell someone when they experience violence
  • ask for support.

A group of people with a shared thought bubble. Above is a change symbol.

And we have other goals that will take longer to achieve.

For example, we want community attitudes to change.

Attitudes are what you think, feel and believe.

Two people talking to each other.

We want more people in the community to believe women when they say they experience violence.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan

An icon of a group of people. Above them are the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags. There is also an Action Plan icon.

We will also write an Action Plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

A person pointing at themselves with their hand raised. Above is an Action Plan icon.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples will lead writing this Action Plan.

Two women working on a laptop together in a kitchen.

The Action Plan will help support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children who experience violence.

An icon of a National Plan with a safety icon on it and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags. There is a plus icon above the Plan.

We will also have another National Plan that is just for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family safety.