Organisations we created to support our work

A services icon with the numbers 1, 2 and 3 next to it.

As part of our last Plan, we made 3 services.

A Plan icon with a violence symbol on it, with a circle and cross through it. There is also a service icon with a tick on it.

These services will keep doing their important work under our new Plan.

Two people exchanging a document. Above is a government icon and an organisation icon.

We created Our Watch.

They work with governments and organisations to prevent violence against women and children.

A person pointing to an information symbol. There are arrows coming off the information symbol in different directions.

Our Watch shares:

  • advice
  • tools and resources
  • information.

A photo of a group of people working on a research project together.

We also created Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS).

ANROWS does research about violence against women and children in Australia.

And they write reports and share information.

An information symbol with an arrow pointing to an icon of the Plan.

Governments and organisations can use these reports and information to make plans to end violence against women and children.

An icon of a phone and a computer. Above is a money symbol with a cross.

We also created 1800RESPECT, which is a free:

  • phone service
  • website.

An information symbol, a phone symbol and a counselling icon.

1800RESPECT offers:

  • information
  • support
  • help to find a service
  • counselling – when you talk to someone about how you think and feel.

National Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission

A group of people in office wear. Above is a violence icon with a circle and cross through it. There is a research icon on the violence icon.

We have also set up the National Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission.

We call it the Commission.

A person with a clipboard pointing to a government worker holding an icon of the Plan.

The Commission will make sure all governments follow our Plan.