Word list
This list explains what the bold words in this document mean.
Attitudes Attitudes are what you think, feel and believe. | |
Gender Your gender is what you feel and understand about who you are as a person. It isn’t about whether your body looks male or female. | |
Gender equality Gender equality will happen when all people in Australia believe everyone is equal, including women and men. | |
Justice system The justice system helps to make people who use violence responsible for their behaviour. The justice system includes police, courts, the law and prisons. | |
Sexual harassment Sexual harassment is when someone makes you feel uncomfortable when they:
| |
Sexual violence Sexual violence is when someone:
This Easy Read document was created by the Information Access Group using stock photography and custom images. The images may not be reused without permission. For any enquiries about the images, please visit www.informationaccessgroup.com. Quote job number 4613-D. |
Word list
This list explains what the bold words in this document mean.
Attitudes Attitudes are what you think, feel and believe. | |
Gender Your gender is what you feel and understand about who you are as a person. It isn’t about whether your body looks male or female. | |
Gender equality Gender equality will happen when all people in Australia believe everyone is equal, including women and men. | |
Justice system The justice system helps to make people who use violence responsible for their behaviour. The justice system includes police, courts, the law and prisons. | |
Sexual harassment Sexual harassment is when someone makes you feel uncomfortable when they:
| |
Sexual violence Sexual violence is when someone:
This Easy Read document was created by the Information Access Group using stock photography and custom images. The images may not be reused without permission. For any enquiries about the images, please visit www.informationaccessgroup.com. Quote job number 4613-D. |