
A person using the phone.

If you need support there are services you can contact.

We explain these services below.


A phone and a person with a cross on them.

Lifeline is a service for people who might be at risk of suicide.

This is when someone ends their own life.

You can call them any time.

13 11 14

Beyond Blue

Beyond blue is a service that can support you with your mental health.

You can call them anytime.

1300 224 636

Autism Connect

3 people in front of a building with an Autism icon.

Autism Connect is a service that supports:

  • Autistic people
  • their families and carers
  • members of the community who want to learn more about Autism.

You can call Autism Connect:

  • Monday to Friday
  • from 8 am to 7 pm.

1300 308 699

A website icon.

You can also visit their website.

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)

The TIS logo.

If you need something in a language other than English, you can call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS).

131 450

A speech bubble with 2 people inside in. There are 2 arrows pointing between the 2 people.

You can ask TIS to connect you to one of the services in this section.

A calendar, a clock and a tick.

You can call them anytime.

National Relay Service

The National Relay Service icon.

You can call the National Relay Service if you:

  • are deaf or hard of hearing
  • find it hard to speak using the phone.

The TTY icon.


1800 555 677

A person with a speech bubble and a person with an ear icon.

Speak and listen

1300 555 727

A speech bubble with 2 people inside in. There are 2 arrows pointing between the 2 people.

You can ask the National Relay Service to connect you to one of the services in this section.