2. Making work and learning more inclusive

A person by themselves. Behind them are people pointing.

Autistic people who are students can face challenges including:

  • feeling like they don’t belong
  • bullying.
  • Bullying is when someone says or does something to make you feel bad over and over again.

 A school building and a teacher supporting a student. Above them is a cross.

Often Autistic students don’t get the support they might need to take part in school.

This can be because:

A teacher supporting a student. The teacher has a thought bubble with a cross. The student has a speech bubble with a cross.

  • many teachers and students don’t understand Autism
  • some Autistic students have trouble speaking up for themselves.

A person at a desk. Above them is a problem icon.

Autistic people can also face challenges with finding and keeping a job.

These challenges include:

A person shrugging their shoulders.

  • other people not understanding Autism

A person by themselves. Behind them are 2 people whispering.

  • being treated badly in their workplace

 A person using a laptop and looking upset.

  • not getting the support they need in their workplace

A money icon and a problem icon.

  • not earning enough money to live without support.

3 people in front of a building with a disability icon on it.

Autistic people are also more likely to work in Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs) than in other jobs.

ADEs are businesses that train and employ people with disability.

A bus and a train with a thumbs down icon.

Many Autistic people have bad experiences using public transport.

For example, buses and trains.

A person looking upset next to a bus.

Public transport might make them feel:

  • uncomfortable
  • unsafe.

This can make it hard to get to work or school.

Areas our Strategy could focus on

A school and a workplace. Above them is a thought bubble with an Autism icon and a tick.

Our Strategy could focus on making sure schools and places where people work understand Autism better.

This will support people to:

A teacher supporting a child.

  • give Autistic students the support they need

A person giving 2 thumbs up. Above them is a thought bubble with a cooking icon inside it.

  • support Autistic people to get the job they want.

A bus and a train. There is a curved arrow around them.

We also need to make public transport more inclusive for Autistic people.


4 icons. A problem icon, a book, a person at a desk and a bus.

What challenges do you face when trying to:

  • study?
  • find and keep a job?
  • use public transport?

 A thumbs up icon and an arrow pointing up.

How can we improve services and supports so you can:

  • take part in study?
  • run your own businesses?
  • find and keep a job?

A person supporting someone.

Are there other ways that we can support Autistic people in these areas?