Word list
This list explains what the bold words in this document mean.
Accessible When something is accessible, it is easy to:
Autism Autism is a disability that can affect how you:
Autism diagnosis An Autism diagnosis is when a doctor:
Autism spectrum The Autism spectrum includes the different ways people can experience Autism. |
Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs) ADEs are businesses that train and employ people with disability. |
Bullying Bullying is when someone says or does something to make you feel bad over and over again. |
Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) CALD people:
Culture Your culture is:
Early intervention Early intervention is when people get services and support:
Inclusive When the community is inclusive, everyone:
Intersectionality Intersectionality is when people treat you differently because of more than one thing about who you are. |
Justice system Our justice system includes:
LGBTIQA+ The letters of LGBTIQA stand for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer or questioning and asexual. The ‘+’ is for people who are part of the LGBTIQA + community but don’t talk about themselves using a word from this list. |
Mask When you mask your Autism, you change how you behave to fit in with people who aren’t on the Autism spectrum. You might do this:
Mental health Mental health is about how you:
Rights Rights are rules about how people must treat you:
Strategy A strategy is a government plan for how we will do things in the future. |
Suicide This is when someone ends their own life. |
Themes Themes are important ideas that come up in different areas of our work and lives. |
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