Word list

This list explains what the bold words in this document mean.

 A person using a computer and an accessibility icon.


When something is accessible, it is easy to:

  • find and use
  • understand.

4 icons. A thought bubble, a smiley facing, a speech bubble and a shaking hands icon.


Autism is a disability that can affect how you:

  • think
  • feel
  • communicate
  • connect and deal with others.

A doctor writing on a document.

Autism diagnosis

An Autism diagnosis is when a doctor:

  • checks your health
  • says if they think you are on the Autism spectrum.

An Autism spectrum icon.

Autism spectrum

The Autism spectrum includes the different ways people can experience Autism.

3 people in front of a building with a disability icon on it.

Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs)

ADEs are businesses that train and employ people with disability.

A person by themselves. Behind them are people pointing.


Bullying is when someone says or does something to make you feel bad over and over again.

A group of people from different backgrounds.

Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)

CALD people:

  • come from different cultures and backgrounds
  • speak languages other than English.

4 icons. A person pointing at themselves, a thought bubble, hands in prayer and an importance icon.


Your culture is:

  • your way of life
  • how you think or act now because of how you grew up
  • your beliefs
  • what is important to you.

A person supporting a child.

Early intervention

Early intervention is when people get services and support:

  • as early as possible in their lives
  • when they get a diagnosis.

A diverse group of people. There is an arrow curved around them.


When the community is inclusive, everyone:

  • can take part
  • feels like they belong.

A person holding a paper with 2 circles on it. The circles are overlapping in the middle.


Intersectionality is when people treat you differently because of more than one thing about who you are.

 4 icons. A person in prison, a court, a police officer and a law document.

Justice system

Our justice system includes:

  • prisons
  • the courts
  • police
  • the law.

the rainbow pride flag.


The letters of LGBTIQA stand for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer or questioning and asexual.

The ‘+’ is for people who are part of the LGBTIQA + community but don’t talk about themselves using a word from this list.

A person with a thought bubble and a safety icon. Inside the thought bubble is a change icon.


When you mask your Autism, you change how you behave to fit in with people who aren’t on the Autism spectrum.

You might do this:

  • without meaning to
  • to keep yourself safe.

A person pointing to themselves and 2 thought bubbles. Inside one thought bubble is a person and inside the other thought bubble is an importance icon.

Mental health

Mental health is about how you:

  • think and feel about yourself
  • deal with things in your life.

A rights icon and 2 people shaking hands.


Rights are rules about how people must treat you:

  • fairly
  • equally.

A document with a list and a calendar with an arrow on it.


A strategy is a government plan for how we will do things in the future.

An icon of a person with a cross on them.


This is when someone ends their own life.

A lightbulb and an importance icon.


Themes are important ideas that come up in different areas of our work and lives.