3. Consent to use the data

Focus group feedback

A person looking concerned.

Some people were worried that data could be used in the data asset without their consent.

Consent is when you say yes or agree to something.

Commonwealth Partner comments

A person pointing at a graph with a green tick

The data asset will use data that has already been collected by different parts of the government. Government will not be collecting new data that is just for the data asset.

A Laws book.

Data will only be shared for the data asset if the law says it is okay.

A computer with a www. logo

There are ways to share the data, like following the rules in the Data Availability and Transparency Act. This Act has rules that must be followed when data about a person is shared without their consent.

A computer with a www. logo

A list of the datasets in the data asset will be put on the National Disability Data Asset website.