8. Ethics or rules to know what is right and wrong

Focus group feedback

A person with their finger on their mouth; a tick; the word, 'private'

People gave feedback about:

  • keeping data private
  • people who use data need to know about other cultures, like First Nations people with disability.

The Aboriginal flag.

Ideas for making things better were:

  • sharing information with organisations and governments so they know the best way to use data about First Nations people and people with disability

A rules book. Justice scales with 'Right' on an upper side, and 'Wrong' on the lower side. The Aboriginal flag.

  • to make rules about what is right and wrong, these are called ethical standards, like making sure that data about First Nations people is used in the right way when research projects are done

A group of people.

A person in a wheelchair holding a clipboard with a tick. A person pointing at a graph with a green tick.

Two people looking at a document together.

  • people who use the data asset are trained on:
    • how to use data about different groups, like people from other backgrounds or cultures
    • how to work with data about people with disability
    • using the right words when writing papers about the results of the project, this is to make sure that what we learn is used for good and there is no harm done.

Commonwealth Partner comments

Two people looking at pictures of two other people.

When the Council is set up, we will tell them about this feedback.