6. The disability community

Focus group feedback

Three people with disabilities greeting three people on the council.

Some questions asked were:

  • how the disability community was included in the focus groups for the data asset

A document that says, 'easy read'.

  • how did the disability community have a say about how the data asset was made
  • if information would be in plain language or other languages.

Commonwealth Partner comments

A person shaking hands with a person in a wheelchair.

People from disability organisations were at the focus groups to make sure the data asset works well for the disability community.

Three people with disabilities greeting three people on the council.

The National Disability Data Asset Council (the Council) includes people from the government and the disability community. They will look at how the data asset is used to make sure it is used in the right way.

A document that says, 'Easy read'. An Auslan logo.

The information will be in ways that are accessible, like:

  • Easy Read
  • Plain language
  • Auslan.

A computer with a www. logo

Accessible information about the project is on the National Disability Data Asset website.