7. Governance – rules to follow

Focus group feedback

A rules book.

An approval stamp.

A person with their arms out.

People and data providers wanted to know about the rules, they asked:

  • what are the rules when data is shared for the data asset
  • do all the states and territories across Australia have to follow the same rules
  • will data providers be able to approve data being used for projects
  • who makes sure the rules are followed when organisations use data from the data asset
  • will there be a way for people in the community to do anything if data is not used in the right way.

Commonwealth Partner comments

A Laws book. A person with their finger on their mouth; a tick; the word, 'private'

We said we know that:

  • a legal framework is being made for the data asset
  • the Data Availability and Transparency Act will be used
  • states and territory governments will decide on their own laws.

A person standing next to a board with a checklist and a map of Australia. They are giving a thumbs up.

Governments have now agreed on the legal framework, but at the time when the focus groups were done the framework was not agreed to.

A person with their arms out.

Some people from government at the focus groups said it was hard to give feedback about privacy in the data asset, until they knew how things would be done.

A group of people sitting at a table having a meeting.

It is planned the Council will make a group called the Disability-Informed Ethical Oversight Panel. This group will include people with disability.

Justice scales with 'Right' on an upper side, and 'Wrong' on the lower side.

They will look at:

  • how people plan to use the data
  • if what they plan to do is the right thing and will not cause harm to people with disability
  • if research will be helpful to people with disability.