1. Data handling

Focus group feedback

A rules book.

  • Some people, including people from privacy organisations, asked about the rules for keeping and not keeping data in the data asset.

A person holding a sign with a tick and giving a thumbs up. A person holding a sign with a cross and giving a thumbs down.

  • Some people asked how we will make sure data is correct, and what will be done if things change and it is not correct anymore.

Commonwealth Partner comments

A person writing on a clipboard. Another person standing next to them thinking.

We said that we will carefully think about the rules for:

  • data we keep or do not keep in line with the Archives Act 1983

A person with their thumbs up, holding a clipboard with a tick.

  • the quality of the data
  • how much information will be in the datasets.

A person holding a clipboard. A person holding a magnifying glass.

A dataset is a way to put data together so that it can be looked at in groups, to see what the data says.

A rules book.

The National Disability Data Asset Charter (the Charter) has rules about what people can and cannot use the data asset for.