2. Use and access

Focus group feedback

A person pointing up. A speech bubble with a question mark.

  • Some people asked who will be able to access the different data.
    • For example, what data will disability organisations be able to access.

A person thinking. Two thought bubbbles, one with a thumbs up and one with a thumbs down.

  • Data providers asked how we will make sure researchers use the data in the right way.
  • Some people asked if the data could be used in the wrong way or a way that is not planned.

Commonwealth Partner comments

A map of Australia. An approval stamp.

We said researchers will need to be part of an accredited group to use the data asset. Accredited means that they have been approved to follow the rules in the Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022.

A person reading a book. A map of Australia with an approval stamp.

Australian, state and territory government agencies and Australian universities are the only groups that can be accredited.

A person holding a clipboard with a checklist. An approval stamp.

For-profit and other organisations that are not part of government currently cannot be accredited. They can use some of the data if a group or a person that has been accredited says it is okay.

A hand writing on a contract document.

This must be written in a paper called a contract.

A charter document

Before researchers can use data, all research projects must be approved and checked that they follow the Charter.